+merlan #flirora's website

Conlang phonologies in SynthV

Note: needs updating for SynthV Studio

Recently, I've been playing around with SynthV because it runs on (GNU/)Linux natively. Being the conlang junkie, I've decided to try making it sing in conlangs.

Note about voicebanks

Currently [as of 23X2019], there are eight SynthV voicebanks available:

All languages support phonetic input:

Start the lyrics with a full stop and separate each sound with a space. Phonetic input will be indicated in m aa n ow s p ey s.

Generally, how well a voicebank can emulate the phonology of a given language depends on the sounds available. Phonotactics is usually not an issue – even Japanese voicebanks such as Renri can handle consonant clusters.


Colour Meaning
The sound can be emulated well enough that differences are hardly noticeable.
The sound has a close equivalent in voicebanks of the given language.
Emulation is difficult. Failure to distinguish the phoneme in question from another in the same language warrants this colour or worse.
Nothing close.

General notes


Open problems