+merlan #flirora's website

A new language

Tentatively called tanapo.

This conlang is not like others that I have created, and thus it is not numbered unlike the rest of my conlangs. It’s still incomplete.

Philosophy of tanapo

Non-goals: not anti-goals but not goals either


tanapo has eleven “consonants”:

p t k f s h m n l y w

and ten vowels:

i e a o u í é á ó ú

i e a o u have low tone while í é á ó ú have high tone.

(note that capital letters are not used in tanapo.)

a syllable has:

other restrictions:

there is not yet any canonical pronunciation of tanapo, and I’m not sure if there will ever be.

Outline of words

by syllable count:

# syllables contents
1 mostly function words, maybe a few very frequently used content words
2 most common content words, plus some function words
3 more content words, some more advanced function words
4 even more content words; some of these are words that you might expect to be shorter, but often, they’re meant to be this long
5+ even more content words


nouns are what most people expect them to be. however, they have no case, number or gender (for any sense thereof). nafa ‘human’ is such a word. nouns always end in vowels.

the personal pronouns are na ‘I, we’, ti ‘you’ (both singular and plural), la ‘this thing or person’, and le ‘that thing or person’. they act exactly like regular nouns (can take modifiers, &c.)

by themselves, nouns aren’t that interesting.


there are only a few verbs:

in a sentence, the subject comes first, followed by the verb, then possibly the complement:

na ke kikyalu.
I cop key
I am a key.

in the case of verbs that can combine with nouns (such as so), the object of the action can be separated from the noun describing the action itself with a:

na so káto (a) púlu.
I do eat (bleh) fish
I eat fish.

some particles that can be placed before verbs:


adjectives are, like other parts of speech, not inflected at all. an adjective falls after the noun it modifies: lépile húpu a red flower.

adjectives can act as adverbs with no change.

an adjective can be preceded by the particle nin ‘state of being’: nin húpu redness.

there are possessive forms of the personal pronouns: fa ‘my, our’, fi ‘your’, lya ‘this one’s’, lye ‘that one’s’.

the demonstrative adjectives are wa ‘this’ and we ‘that’.


you know what they are. prepositional phrases can modify either nouns or verbs.

the particle sal can also modify prepositions to negate them.


uses base 12:

word # (12) # (10)
wi 0 0
pyú 1 1
no 2 2
ta 3 3
hu 4 4
kék 5 5
humá 6 6
nemú 7 7
pane 8 8
kyelo 9 9
yúko A 10
leta B 11
mofe 10 12
mofe pyú 11 13
mofe no 12 14
no mofe 20 24
no mofe pyú 21 25
nifawó 100 144


ideophones have high tone in the first syllable and low tone in all others. they can modify nouns or verbs, optionally with the particle u preceding it, as well as participate in compounding. an ideophone can be reduplicated; in that case, its first copy has the low tone in all syllables.

Word formation

two nouns or an ideophone plus a noun can be compounded head-finally.


a word of syllables:
Entry PoS Gloss
ak partv (past)
fa adj my, our
fi adj your
fo v to go to
partv (interrogative)
hu num 4
humá num 6
húpu adj red
hyulepe n door
kato n food
káto n eating, to eat
ke v to be
kék num 5
keke v to equal
kénpi n house
kete v to be a member of
keté v to be a subset of
kikyalu n key, to unlock
kyelo num 9
ko n thing, person; usually used with adjectives
la n this thing or person
partv (future)
le n that thing or person
lépile n flower, to bloom
leta num 11
lya adj this one’s
lye adj that one’s
mofe num 12
na n I, we
nemú num 7
nifawó num 144
no num 2
nohú n knowledge, (with tó) to know
nuta n want, desire, (with tó) to want
pane num 8
púlu n fish
pyú num 1
sal partv not (negation)
se n someone, (in compounds) one who
so v to do
talo n bean, legume
tanapo n language, to speak
ta num 3
ti n you
v to have
u partid (may be used before an ideophone to modify a noun or adjective)
wa adj this
we adj that (demonstrative)
wi num 0
wokú n tool, to use
yúko num 10